Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Send Betty Sutton Back to the Kitchen?

My roommate posted this link to my Facebook wall. Naturally, I looked at it and then thought this would be a great subject for my blog. First, I do want to tell you that the site could be somewhat biased due to it being funded by Betty Sutton for Congress. The link is about a flier the Republican Party sent out regarding Democratic Representative Betty Sutton. The flier, which was sent to about 15,000 homes (according to the Republican chair), apparently read "Let's take Betty Sutton out of the House and send her back to the kitchen."

Wow. Wow. I really do not even know how to reply to such a message. What do you say to such a blatantly sexist remark? Unfortunately, I'm not surprised by such remarks. I expect the worse from politicians, but should there not be a line? I'm pretty sure even politicians know what lines they can cross and which ones they cannot. For example, racist remarks about Black politicians are completely off limits for any official messages. That shows how seriously we take racism (although racism is still a huge problem in the U.S.). However, having official messages that suggest that women belong in the kitchen really shows that we do not take sexism as seriously.

Proving this point is Bill Heck's, the Republican Party Chair from Medina County (the one who endorsed the message), comment "I saw it, but I didn't think there was anything particularly wrong with it." Nothing wrong with it? Really? There's nothing wrong with suggesting that women belong in the kitchen? There is nothing wrong with suggesting that women should not be out working? Sorry Bill Heck, there is a heck of a lot wrong with your statement.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know about this horrible flier that was sent out. If you share my sentiments, which anyone who is not sexist should, in my humble opinion, then you can actually follow the link and make a difference if you so choose. If you scroll down to the bottom, you can sign a petition-like form to tell the GOP that you don't like these sexist remarks.

In closing, I just want to say that in my opinion, the only reason people want women to stay in the kitchen is because they are afraid of just how amazing and powerful they can be if they aren't held back.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's pretty bad. I dont see how anyone could have okayed this, seems really immature and badly thought up. And to that guy who thinks that there are no issues on saying that, wow, what a jerk, although he seems like a typical republican. (yeah yeah, but it's fun to bash them and their closed mindedness) Hopefully stuff like this isn't too far from being stopped all together. Here's hoping.
